Structs in libexpress
Statement union
- Alias, Assignment, Case_Statement, Compound_Statement, Conditional, Loop, Procedure_Call, Return_Statement
Scope union
typedef struct Statement_ * Alias;
typedef struct Statement_ * Assignment;
typedef struct Statement_ * Case_Statement;
typedef struct Statement_ * Compound_Statement;
typedef struct Statement_ * Conditional;
typedef struct Statement_ * Loop;
typedef struct Statement_ * Procedure_Call;
typedef struct Statement_ * Return_Statement;
typedef struct Statement_ * Statement;
typedef struct Scope_ * Increment;
typedef struct Scope_ * Type;
typedef struct Scope_ * Scope;
typedef struct Scope_ * Schema;
typedef struct Scope_ * Express;
typedef struct Scope_ * Entity;
typedef struct Scope_ * Procedure;
typedef struct Scope_ * Function;
typedef struct Scope_ * Rule;
typedef struct Case_Item_ * Case_Item;
typedef struct Expression_ * Expression;
typedef struct Hash_Table_ * Dictionary;
typedef struct Linked_List_ * Linked_List;
typedef struct Query_ * Query;
typedef struct TypeBody_ * TypeBody;
typedef struct TypeHead_ * TypeHead;
typedef struct Variable_ * Variable;
typedef struct Where_ * Where;
Union including Alias, Assignment, Case_Statement, Compound_Statement, Conditional, Loop, Procedure_Call, Return_Statement
/* these should probably all be expression types */
struct Statement_ {
Symbol symbol; /**< can hold pcall or alias name but otherwise is not used for anything */
int type; /**< one of STMT_XXX above */
/* hey, is there nothing in common beside symbol and private data?? */
union u_statement {
struct Alias_ * alias;
struct Assignment_ * assign;
struct Case_Statement_ * Case;
struct Compound_Statement_ * compound;
struct Conditional_ * cond;
struct Loop_ * loop;
struct Procedure_Call_ * proc;
struct Return_Statement_ * ret;
/* skip & escape have no data */
} u;
struct Alias_ {
struct Scope_ * scope;
struct Variable_ * variable;
Linked_List statements; /**< list of statements */
struct Assignment_ {
Expression lhs;
Expression rhs;
struct Case_Statement_ {
Expression selector;
Linked_List cases;
struct Compound_Statement_ {
Linked_List statements;
struct Conditional_ {
Expression test;
Linked_List code; /**< list of statements */
Linked_List otherwise; /**< list of statements */
struct Loop_ {
struct Scope_ * scope; /**< scope for increment control */
Expression while_expr;
Expression until_expr;
Linked_List statements; /**< list of statements */
struct Procedure_Call_ {
struct Scope_ * procedure;
Linked_List parameters; /**< list of expressions */
struct Return_Statement_ {
Expression value;
Union including Procedure, Function, Rule, Entity, Schema, Express, Increment, Type
struct Scope_ {
Symbol symbol;
char type; /* see above */
ClientData clientData; /**< user may use this for any purpose */
int search_id; /**< key to avoid searching this scope twice */
Dictionary symbol_table,enum_table;
struct Scope_ * superscope;
union {
struct Procedure_ * proc;
struct Function_ * func;
struct Rule_ * rule;
struct Entity_ * entity;
struct Schema_ * schema;
struct Express_ * express;
struct Increment_ * incr;
struct TypeHead_ * type;
/* no, query owns a scope rather than scope owning a query
* struct Query *query; */
} u;
Linked_List where; /**< optional where clause */
/** this is an element in the optional Loop scope */
struct Increment_ {
Expression init;
Expression end;
Expression increment;
//NOTE - this is TypeHead_, not Type_!
struct TypeHead_ {
Type head; /**< if we are a defined type this is who we point to */
struct TypeBody_ * body; /**< true type, ignoring defined types */
struct TypeBody_ {
#if 1
struct TypeHead_ * head; /**< for debugging only */
enum type_enum type; /**< bits describing this type, int, real, etc */
struct {
unsigned unique : 1;
unsigned optional : 1;
unsigned fixed : 1;
unsigned shared : 1; /**< type is shared */
unsigned repeat : 1; /**< expression is a repeat count*/
unsigned encoded : 1; /**< encoded string */
} flags;
Type base; /**< underlying base type if any can also contain true type if this
* type is a type reference */
Type tag; /**< optional tag */
/* a lot of the stuff below can be unionized */
Expression precision;
Linked_List list; /**< used by select_types and composed types, such as for a list
* of entities in an instance */
Expression upper;
Expression lower;
struct Scope_ * entity; /**< only used by entity types */
struct Schema_ {
Linked_List rules;
Linked_List reflist;
Linked_List uselist;
/** \var refdict, usedict
* dictionarys into which are entered renames for each specific
* object specified in a rename clause (even if it uses the same
* name */
Dictionary refdict;
Dictionary usedict;
Linked_List use_schemas; /**< lists of schemas that are fully use'd
* entries can be 0 if schemas weren't found during RENAMEresolve */
Linked_List ref_schemas; /**< lists of schemas that are fully ref'd
* entries can be 0 if schemas weren't found during RENAMEresolve */
struct Express_ {
FILE * file;
char * filename;
char * basename; /**< name of file but without directory or .exp suffix */
struct Entity_ {
Linked_List supertype_symbols; /**< linked list of original symbols as generated by parser */
Linked_List supertypes; /**< linked list of supertypes (as entities) */
Linked_List subtypes; /**< simple list of subtypes useful for simple lookups */
Expression subtype_expression; /**< DAG of subtypes, with complete information including
* OR, AND, and ONEOF */
Linked_List attributes; /**< explicit attributes */
int inheritance; /**< total number of attributes inherited from supertypes */
int attribute_count;
Linked_List unique; /**< list of identifiers that are unique */
Linked_List instances; /**< hook for applications */
int mark; /**< usual hack - prevent traversing sub/super graph twice */
bool abstract; /**< is this an abstract supertype? */
Type type; /**< type pointing back to ourself, useful to have when
* evaluating expressions involving entities */
/** location of fulltext of algorithm in source file */
struct FullText {
char * filename;
unsigned int start, end;
/** 'parameters' are lists of lists of (type) expressions */
struct Procedure_ {
int pcount; /**< # of parameters */
int tag_count; /**< # of different parameter tags */
Linked_List parameters;
Linked_List body;
struct FullText text;
int builtin; /**< builtin if true */
struct Function_ {
int pcount; /**< # of parameters */
int tag_count; /**< # of different parameter/return value tags */
Linked_List parameters;
Linked_List body;
Type return_type;
struct FullText text;
int builtin; /**< builtin if true */
struct Rule_ {
Linked_List parameters;
Linked_List body;
struct FullText text;
Case_Item, Dictionary, Expression, Linked_List, Query, Variable, Where
struct Qualified_Attr {
struct Expression_ * complex; /**< complex entity instance */
Symbol * entity;
Symbol * attribute;
struct Op_Subexpression {
Op_Code op_code;
Expression op1;
Expression op2;
Expression op3;
struct Query_ {
Variable local;
Expression aggregate; /**< set from which to test */
Expression expression; /**< logical expression */
struct Scope_ * scope;
struct Funcall {
struct Scope_ * function; /**< can also be an entity because entities can be called as functions */
Linked_List list;
union expr_union {
int integer;
float real;
char * attribute; /**< inverse .... for 'attr' */
char * binary;
int logical;
bool boolean;
struct Query_ * query;
struct Funcall funcall;
/* if etype == aggregate, list of expressions */
/* if etype == funcall, 1st element of list is funcall or entity */
/* remaining elements are parameters */
Linked_List list; /**< aggregates (bags, lists, sets, arrays) or lists for oneof expressions */
Expression expression; /**< derived value in derive attrs, or
* initializer in local vars, or
* enumeration tags
* or oneof value */
struct Scope_ * entity; /**< used by subtype exp, group expr
* and self expr, some funcall's and any
* expr that results in an entity */
Variable variable; /**< attribute reference */
/** The difference between 'type' and 'return_type' is illustrated
* by "func(a)". Here, 'type' is Type_Function while 'return_type'
* might be Type_Integer (assuming func returns an integer). */
struct Expression_ {
Symbol symbol; /**< contains things like funcall names, string names, binary values,
* enumeration names */
Type type;
Type return_type; /**< type of value returned by expression */
struct Op_Subexpression e;
union expr_union u;
struct Variable_ {
Expression name; /**< Symbol is inside of 'name' below */
Type type;
Expression initializer; /**< or 'derived' */
int offset;
struct {
int optional : 1; /**< OPTIONAL keyword */
int var : 1; /**< VAR keyword */
int constant : 1; /**< from CONSTANT...END_CONSTANT */
int unique : 1; /**< appears in UNIQUE list */
int parameter : 1; /**< is a formal parameter */
int attribute : 1; /**< is an attribute (rule parameters are marked this way, too) */
} flags;
#define query_symbol inverse_symbol
Symbol * inverse_symbol; /**< entity symbol */
Variable inverse_attribute; /**< attribute related by inverse relationship */